
{{11}}gear (n.) c.1200, "fighting equipment," probably from O.N. gervi "apparel," related to gerr "ready," and gerva "make ready," from P.Gmc. *garwin- (Cf. O.E. gearwe "clothing, equipment, ornament;" O.H.G. garawi "clothing, dress," garawen "to make ready;" Ger. gerben "to tan"). Meaning "toothed wheel in machinery" first attested 1520s. Slang for "male sex organs" from 1670s. British adjective slang sense of "stylish, excellent" first recorded 1951, from earlier that's the gear, expression of approval, 1925.
{{12}}gear (v.) c.1200, "to equip oneself for fighting; dress," probably from GEAR (Cf. gear) (n.). Related: Geared; gearing.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • gear — [gir] n. [ME gere, prob. < ON gervi, preparation, ornament, akin to OE gearo, YARE] 1. a) Obs. the clothing and equipment of a soldier, knight, etc. b) clothing; apparel 2. movable property; esp., apparatus or equipment for some particular… …   English World dictionary

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  • gear — ► NOUN 1) a toothed wheel that works with others to alter the relation between the speed of an engine and the speed of the driven parts (e.g. wheels). 2) a particular setting of engaged gears. 3) informal apparatus, equipment, or clothing. ► VERB …   English terms dictionary

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  • gear — sb., et, gear, ene, i sms. gear , fx gearkasse; skifte gear …   Dansk ordbog

  • Gear — Gear, v. i. (Mach.) To be in, or come into, gear. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gear — (g[=e]r) v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Geared} (g[=e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Gearing}.] 1. To dress; to put gear on; to harness. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) To provide with gearing. [1913 Webster] 3. To adapt toward some specific purpose; as, they geared… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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