
bagel 1919, from Yiddish beygl, from M.H.G. boug- "ring, bracelet," from O.H.G. boug "a ring," related to O.E. beag "ring" (in poetry, an Anglo-Saxon lord was beaggifa "ring-giver"), from P.Gmc. *baugaz-, from PIE root *bheug- (3) "to bend," with derivatives referring to bent, pliable, or curved objects (Cf. O.H.G. biogan "to bend;" see BOW (Cf. bow) (v.)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • bagel — a gel (b[=a] g l), n. [Yiddish beygl, prob. fr. dial. G. Beugel. RHUD] a glazed leavened doughnut shaped roll with a hard crust. Note: A similar roll in Russia is called a bublik. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bagel — ► NOUN ▪ a dense, ring shaped bread roll that is simmered before baking. ORIGIN Yiddish …   English terms dictionary

  • bagel — [bā′gəl] n. [NE Yiddish beygl < MHG * bougel > Austrian Ger beugel, kind of croissant; akin to Ger bügel, stirrup, orig. ring < beugen, to bend: for IE base see BOW1] a chewy bread roll made of yeast dough twisted into a small… …   English World dictionary

  • Bagel — For other uses, see Bagel (disambiguation). A plain commercially produced bagel (as evidenced by grate marks used in steaming, rather than boiling) …   Wikipedia

  • Bagel — Plain Bagel, New York Style Ein Bagel, manchmal auch Beigel (von englisch bagel oder beigel [ˈbeɪgəl] und jiddisch בײגל bejgl oder bajgl, YIVO Orthografie beygl, in Österreich auch Beugel) ist ein handtellergroßes rundes Gebäck aus Hefeteig… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • bagel — /bay geuhl/, n. a leavened, doughnut shaped, firm textured roll, with a brownish glazed surface, made of dough first poached and then baked. [1930 35; < Yiddish beygl; cf. dial. G Beugel < Gmc *baug ring (see BEE2) + * il n. suffix] * * * ▪ food… …   Universalium

  • bagel — UK [ˈbeɪɡ(ə)l] / US noun [countable] Word forms bagel : singular bagel plural bagels a type of bread that is small and round with a hole in the middle …   English dictionary

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