
{{11}}bow (n.1) weapon for shooting arrows, O.E. boga "archery bow, arch, rainbow," from P.Gmc. *bugon (Cf. O.N. bogi, O.Fris. boga, Du. boog, Ger. Bogen "bow;" see BOW (Cf. bow) (v.)). The sense of "a looped knot" is from 1540s. The musician's bow (1570s) formerly was curved like the archer's. Bowlegged is attested from 1550s.
{{12}}bow (n.2) "front of a ship," mid-14c., from O.N. bogr or M.Du. boech "bow of a ship," lit. "shoulder (of an animal)," the connecting notion being "the shoulders of the ship." See BOUGH (Cf. bough).
{{12}}bow (v.) O.E. bugan "to bend, to bow down, to bend the body in condescension," also "to turn back" (class II strong verb; past tense beag, pp. bogen), from P.Gmc. *bugon (Cf. Du. buigen, M.L.G. bugen, O.H.G. biogan, Ger. biegen, Goth. biugan "to bend," O.N. boginn "bent"), from *beugen, from PIE root *bheug- (3) "to bend," with derivatives referring to bent, pliable, or curved objects (Cf. Skt. bhujati "bends, thrusts aside;" O.H.G. boug, O.E. beag "a ring"). The noun is first recorded 1650s. Bow out "withdraw" is from 1942.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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