
accelerant (n.) 1854, from L. accelerantem (nom. accelerans), prp. of accelerare (see ACCELERATE (Cf. accelerate)). As an adjective from 1890.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • accélérant — ⇒ACCÉLÉRANT, ANTE, part. prés. et adj. I. Part. prés. de accélérer. II. Adj., néol. d aut. Qui s accélère. Synon. galopant : • Et moi, physiquement quelconque, je demeure abruti, ici, à la merci de toute idée et de tout découragement. J espère… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • accelerant — [ak sel′ər ənt, əksel′ər ənt] adj. [L accelerans, prp. of accelerare: see ACCELERATE] accelerating n. 1. something that increases the speed of a process 2. Chem. former term for CATALYST …   English World dictionary

  • Accelerant — Accelerants play a major role in chemistry. Most chemical reactions can be hastened with an accelerant. Accelerants are catalysts which alter a chemical bond, speed up a chemical process, or bring organisms back to homeostasis. An accelerant can… …   Wikipedia

  • accelerant —    Any material used to initiate or promote the spread of a fire. The most common accelerants are flammable or combustible fluids. Whether a substance is an accelerant depends not on its chemical structure, but on its use. An accelerant may be a… …   Forensic science glossary

  • accelerant — /ak sel euhr euhnt/, n. 1. something that speeds up a process. 2. Chem. accelerator (def. 5). 3. a substance that accelerates the spread of fire or makes a fire more intense: Arson was suspected when police found accelerants at the scene of the… …   Universalium

  • accelerant — akcelerantas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Akceleracijos veikiamas paauglys. atitikmenys: angl. accelerant vok. Akzelerant, m rus. акцелерант …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • accelerant — akcelerantas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Paauglys, kurio biologinis amžius aplenkia jo pasinį amžių; paauglys, turintis didesnį ūgį, ilgesnes galūnes negu ankstesnių kartų tokio pat amžiaus paaugliai. atitikmenys: angl.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • accelerant — noun Date: circa 1909 a substance used to accelerate a process (as the spreading of a fire) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • accelerant — noun a) Any substance that can bond, mix, or disturb another substance and cause an increase in the speed of a natural or artificial chemical process. b) A substance that accelerates the development of a …   Wiktionary

  • accelerant — SYN: accelerator (3). * * * ac·cel·er·ant (ak selґər ənt) a catalyst …   Medical dictionary

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