
votary (n.) 1540s, "one consecrated by a vow," from L. votum (see VOW (Cf. vow)). Originally "a monk or nun," general sense of "ardent devotee of some aim or pursuit" is from 1591 (in Shakespeare, originally in reference to love).

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  • Votary — Vo ta*ry, n.; pl. {Votaries}. One devoted, consecrated, or engaged by a vow or promise; hence, especially, one devoted, given, or addicted, to some particular service, worship, study, or state of life. You are already love s firm votary. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Votary — Vo ta*ry, a. [From L. votus, p. p. vovere to vow, to devote. See {Vote}, {Vow}.] Consecrated by a vow or promise; consequent on a vow; devoted; promised. [1913 Webster] Votary resolution is made equipollent to custom. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • votary — index addict, advocate (counselor), advocate (espouser), colleague, disciple, partisan, proponent …   Law dictionary

  • votary — *addict, devotee, habitué Analogous words: *enthusiast, fanatic, zealot, bigot …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • votary — ► NOUN (pl. votaries) 1) a person who has made vows of dedication to religious service. 2) a devoted follower, adherent, or advocate. ORIGIN from Latin vovere vow …   English terms dictionary

  • votary — [vōt′ə rē] n. pl. votaries [< L votus, pp. of vovere, to vow (see VOTE) + ARY] 1. a person bound by a vow or promise, esp. one bound to religious vows, as a monk or nun 2. a person devoted to a particular religion or object of worship; devout… …   English World dictionary

  • votary — UK [ˈvəʊtərɪ] / US [ˈvoʊtərɪ] noun [countable] Word forms votary : singular votary plural votaries formal someone who is a very keen follower of a particular religion …   English dictionary

  • votary — /voh teuh ree/, n., pl. votaries, adj. n. Also, votarist. 1. a person who is bound by solemn religious vows, as a monk or a nun. 2. an adherent of a religion or cult; a worshiper of a particular deity or sacred personage. 3. a person who is… …   Universalium

  • votary — noun a) A person, such as a monk or nun, who lives a religious life according to vows they have made Gerty was dressed simply but with the instinctive taste of a votary of Dame Fashion for she felt that there was just a might that he might be out …   Wiktionary

  • votary — vo•ta•ry [[t]ˈvoʊ tə ri[/t]] also vo′ta•rist n. pl. ries also rists 1) rel a devoted worshiper of a deity, saint, etc., or a devout adherent of a religion 2) a person who is devoted to some subject or pursuit; devotee: a votary of jazz[/ex] 3) a… …   From formal English to slang

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