
Sambo (2) stereotypical name for male black person (now only derogatory), 1818, Amer.Eng., probably a different word from SAMBO (Cf. sambo) (1); like many such words (Cuffy, Rastus, etc.) a common personal name among U.S. blacks in the slavery days (first attested 1704 in Boston), probably from an African source, Cf. Foulah sambo "uncle," or a similar Hausa word meaning "second son." It could be used without conscious racism or contempt until circa World War II. When the word fell from polite usage, collateral casualties included the enormously popular children's book "The Story of Little Black Sambo" (by Helen Bannerman), which actually is about an East Indian child, and the Sambo's Restaurant chain, a U.S. pancake-specialty joint originally opened in Santa Barbara, Calif., in 1957 (the name supposedly from a merging of the names of the founders, Sam Battistone and Newell "Bo" Bohnett, but the chain's decor and advertising leaned heavily on the book), which once counted 1,200 units coast-to-coast. Civil rights agitation against it began in 1970s and the chain collapsed, though the original restaurant still is open. Many of the defunct restaurants were taken over by rival Denny's.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Sambo — (Самбо) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sambo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Sambo самбо Llave de pierna en Sambo Otros nombres Sombo (EE.UU) Especialidad …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sambo — (russisch самбо) ist eine russisch sowjetische Kampfsportart. Sambo hat seine Wurzeln im japanischen Judo/Jiu Jitsu sowie in den traditionellen Kampf und Ringerkünsten Europas und des Gebietes der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Sambo wurde ab 1923… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sambo — may have one of the following meanings. * Sambo (martial art), a martial art developed in USSR * Sambo (racial term) * Sambo from The Story of Little Black Sambo , a book * Sambo s, a restaurant chain * Sambo (character), a fictional character in …   Wikipedia

  • sambo — SÁMBO s.m. invar. Descendent provenit din căsătoria unui indian din America cu un negroid sau cu un mulatru. – cuv. sp. Trimis de baron, 19.01.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  SÁMBO s. cafuzo. (sambo este descendentul provenit din căsătoria unui amerindian… …   Dicționar Român

  • sambo — s. m. [Esporte] Arte marcial desenvolvida originalmente na antiga União Soviética.   ‣ Etimologia: russo sambo, acrônimo de SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya, autodefesa sem armas   • Confrontar: cambo. sambo s. m. Árvore de Caconda.   • Confrontar:… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Sambo — Sam bo, n. [Sp. zambo, sambo.] A colloquial or humorous appellation for a negro; sometimes, the offspring of a black person and a mulatto; a zambo. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sambo — Sam bo, n. [Sp. zambo bandy legged, the child of a negro and an Indian; prob. of African origin.] 1. A negro; sometimes, the offspring of a black person and a mulatto; formerly used colloquially or with humorous intent, but now considered… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sambo — ● sambo nom masculin Sport de combat, né en U.R.S.S. vers 1930, s apparentant au judo et à la lutte libre, mais où les clefs et les coups sont interdits …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sambo — (1) person of mixed blood in America and Asia, 1748, perhaps from Sp. zambo bandy legged, probably from L. scambus bow legged, from Gk. skambos. Used variously in different regions to indicate some mixture of African, European, and Indian blood;… …   Etymology dictionary

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