
sambo (1) "person of mixed blood in America and Asia," 1748, perhaps from Sp. zambo "bandy-legged," probably from L. scambus "bow-legged," from Gk. skambos. Used variously in different regions to indicate some mixture of African, European, and Indian blood; common senses were "child of black and Indian parentage" and "offspring of a black and a mulatto."

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • sambo — SÁMBO s.m. invar. Descendent provenit din căsătoria unui indian din America cu un negroid sau cu un mulatru. – cuv. sp. Trimis de baron, 19.01.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  SÁMBO s. cafuzo. (sambo este descendentul provenit din căsătoria unui amerindian… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Sambo — Sam bo, n. [Sp. zambo bandy legged, the child of a negro and an Indian; prob. of African origin.] 1. A negro; sometimes, the offspring of a black person and a mulatto; formerly used colloquially or with humorous intent, but now considered… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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