
locomotive (adj.) 1610s, "pertaining to movement," from Fr. locomotif, from L. loco "from a place" (ablative of locus "place;" see LOCUS (Cf. locus)) + L.L. motivus "moving" (see MOTIVE (Cf. motive)). The noun meaning "railroad engine" is from 1829, short for locomotive engine (1814).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • locomotive — [ lɔkɔmɔtiv ] n. f. • 1834; de locomotif 1 ♦ Engin, véhicule de traction servant à remorquer les trains. ⇒ machine ; locomotrice, motrice. Locomotive à vapeur, à moteur diesel, électrique. Atteler une locomotive à un train. Abrév. fam. (1878)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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