
Goldilocks name for a person with bright yellow hair, 1540s, from adj. form of GOLD (Cf. gold) + LOCK (Cf. lock) in the hair sense. The story of the Three Bears first was printed in Robert Southey's miscellany "The Doctor" (1837), but the central figure there was a bad-tempered old woman. Southey did not claim to have invented the story, and older versions have been traced, either involving an old woman or a "silver-haired" girl (though in at least one version it is a fox who enters the house). The identification of the girl as Goldilocks is attested only from c.1875.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • goldilocks — /gohl dee loks /, n., pl. goldilocks. (used with a sing. v.) a person with golden hair. [1540 50; obs. goldy golden + LOCK2 + S3] * * * …   Universalium

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