
endorsement 1540s, from ENDORSE (Cf. endorse) + -MENT (Cf. -ment). Earlier endosement (early 15c.).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • endorsement — en·dorse·ment also in·dorse·ment n 1: the act or process of endorsing 2: an inscription (as a signature or notation) on a document or instrument; esp: an inscription usu. on the back of a negotiable instrument that transfers or guarantees the… …   Law dictionary

  • Endorsement — may refer to:*Political endorsement *Endorsement terrorism *Endorsement test, a U.S. Supreme Court test for Church State separation *Endorsement (advertising), or testimonal, written or spoken statement extolling the virtue of some product,… …   Wikipedia

  • Endorsement — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Endorsement es una actividad de marketing muy cercana al patrocinio. Es una actividad creciente que llevan a cabo sobre todo las marcas de ropa y complementos deportivos. La empresa contrata los servicios de un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Endorsement — En*dorse ment, n. [Cf. F. endossement.] Same as {Indorsement}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Endorsement — es una actividad de marketing muy cercana a la esponsorización. Es una actividad creciente que llevan a cabo sobre todo las marcas de ropa y complementos deportivos. La empresa contrata los servicios de un deportista de élite para servir de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • endorsement — /in dɔ:rsmənt/, it. /in dorsment/ s. ingl. [der. di (to ) endorse firmare a tergo, girare ], usato in ital. al masch. (banc.) [apposizione della firma allo scopo di trasferire un titolo di credito all ordine] ▶◀ girata …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • endorsement — /ingl. ɪnˈdɔːsmənt/ [vc. ingl., da to endorse «firmare a tergo, girare»] s. m. inv. (comm.) girata …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • endorsement — An authorized marking on a mailpiece that shows handling instructions, a special service, or a request for an ancillary service. (Also see marking.) …   Glossary of postal terms

  • endorsement — [n] support, authorization advocacy, affirmation, approbation, approval, backing, championing, commercial, confirmation, countersignature, favor, fiat, go ahead*, green light*, hubba hubba*, okay, pat on back*, permission, qualification,… …   New thesaurus

  • endorsement — (chiefly US also indorsement) ► NOUN 1) an act or the action of endorsing. 2) (in the UK) a note on a driving licence recording the penalty points incurred for a driving offence. 3) a clause in an insurance policy detailing an exemption from or… …   English terms dictionary

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