Denarius — De*na ri*us, n.; pl. {Denarii}. [L. See 2d {Denier}.] A Roman silver coin of the value of about fourteen cents; the penny of the New Testament; so called from being worth originally ten of the pieces called as. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
denarius — [di nar′ē əs] n. pl. denarii [di nar′ē ī΄] [ME < L, orig., adj., containing ten < deni, by tens < decem, TEN] 1. an ancient Roman silver coin, the penny of the New Testament 2. an ancient Roman gold coin, worth 25 silver denarii … English World dictionary
Denarius — Top row left to right: A.D 157 BC Roman Republic, A.D AD 73 Vespasian, A.D 161 Marcus Aurelius, A.D 194 Septimius Severus; Second row left to right: A.D 199 Caracalla, A.D 200 Julia Domna, A.D 219 Elagabalus, A.D 236 Maximinus Thrax In the Roman… … Wikipedia
DENARIUS — I. DENARIUS S. Petri, pecunia, quae ab Anglis quotannis Sedi Romanae pensitabatur a temporibus Inae West Saxonum Regis seu ut aliis placet, Offae Merciorum Regis seu Ethelwolfi, ut nonnullis visum: quorum sententias sic conciliat Polydor. Virgil … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Denarius — Der Denar (lat. denarius von deni: je zehn) war ein antikes, mittelalterliches, neuzeitliches und anfänglich noch feinsilbernes, mittleres durch inflationäre Prozesse immer kleiner werdendes kupfernes Münznominal und galt ursprünglich als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
denarius — /di nair ee euhs/, n., pl. denarii / nair ee uy /. 1. a silver coin and monetary unit of ancient Rome, first issued in the latter part of the 3rd century B.C., that fluctuated in value and sometimes appeared as a bronze coin. 2. a gold coin of… … Universalium
denarius — A silver coin which bore the image of the Roman emperor (Mark 12:16); it was equivalent to the Greek drachma as known in the east, which was the cost of a sheep. The parable [[➝ parables]] of the Labourers in the Vineyard indicates that one… … Dictionary of the Bible
denarius — de•nar•i•us [[t]dɪˈnɛər i əs[/t]] n. pl. nar•i•i [[t] ˈnɛər iˌaɪ[/t]] 1) anq+num a silver coin of ancient Rome, orig. equal to 10 asses 2) num a gold coin of ancient Rome equal to 25 silver denarii • Etymology: < L dēnārius, orig. adj.:… … From formal English to slang
Denarius — Sanct Denarius (Geld) hat die meisten Anbeter (Verehrer) … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Denarius Moore — Moore in the 2011 NFL season. No. 17 Oakland Raiders Wide receiver Personal information … Wikipedia