- compensatory
- compensatory c.1600, from Fr. compensatoire, from L. compensatus, pp. of compensare (see COMPENSATE (Cf. compensate)). Psychological sense is from 1921.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
compensatory — I adjective atoning, balancing, compensating, compensative, equivalent, expiating, expiatory, in compensation, indemnificatory, paying, propitiating, recompensive, redemptive, refunding, reimbursing, remitting, remunerative, reparative, repaying … Law dictionary
Compensatory — Com*pen sa*to*ry, a. Serving for compensation; making amends. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
compensatory — [[t]kɒ̱mpənse͟ɪtəri, AM kəmpe̱nsətɔːri[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Compensatory payments involve money paid as compensation. [FORMAL] The jury awarded $11.2 million in compensatory damages. 2) ADJ: usu ADJ n Compensatory measures are designed to help… … English dictionary
compensatory — kəmˈpen(t)səˌtōrē, (ˈ)käm|p , tȯr , ri adjective Etymology: compensate + ory : serving as compensation : making amends : making up for loss a compensatory enlargement of the heart to overcome this feeling of inferiority by developing such… … Useful english dictionary
compensatory — com|pen|sa|to|ry [ˌkɔmpənˈseıtəri US kəmˈpen səˌto:ri] adj [usually before noun] formal 1.) compensatory payments are paid to someone who has been harmed or hurt in some way ▪ She was awarded a large sum in compensatory damages . 2.) intended to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
compensatory — Providing compensation; making up for a deficiency or loss. * * * com·pen·sa·to·ry kəm pen(t) sə .tōr ē, .tȯr adj making up for a loss esp serving as psychic or physiological compensation <compensatory enlargement of the heart> <to… … Medical dictionary
compensatory — adjective (usually before noun) 1 intended to reduce the harmful effects of something or to make them easier to bear 2 compensatory payments are paid to someone who has been harmed or hurt in some way: She was awarded a large sum in compensatory… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
compensatory — adj. Compensatory is used with these nouns: ↑award … Collocations dictionary
compensatory — compensate ► VERB 1) give (someone) something to reduce or balance the bad effect of loss, suffering, or injury. 2) (compensate for) make up for (something undesirable) by exerting an opposite force or effect. DERIVATIVES compensator noun… … English terms dictionary
compensatory damages — n: actual damages at damage 2 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary