- collision
- collision early 15c., from M.Fr. collision (15c.), from L. collisionem (nom. collisio) "a dashing together," noun of action from collidere (see COLLIDE (Cf. collide)).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
collision — [ kɔlizjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1480; lat. collisio 1 ♦ Choc de deux corps qui se rencontrent. ⇒ impact. Collision entre deux voitures, deux trains. ⇒ accident, accrochage, télescopage. Entrer en collision avec (qqch.) :heurter (qqch.). Assurance tierce… … Encyclopédie Universelle
collision — col‧li‧sion [kəˈlɪʒn] noun [countable, uncountable] 1. INSURANCE when a vehicle hits another vehicle or object, causing damage: • His car was in collision with another vehicle. • All aircraft are now fitted with collision avoidance equipment. 2 … Financial and business terms
collision — I (accident) noun concussion, contact, convergence, crash, encounter, impact, impingement, jar, jolt, meeting, percussion, pileup, shock, striking together, sudden contact, violent contact associated concepts: avoidable collision, collision auto… … Law dictionary
Collision — (v. lat. Collisio), 1) das Zusammentreffen zweier harter Körper im Stoß; 2) Zusammentreffen entgegengesetzter Dinge od. Interessen in einem Punkte; 3) in der Jurisprudenz u. Moral das gleichzeitige Vorhandensein verschiedener Bestimmungen für… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Collision — Col*li sion, n. [L. collisio, fr. collidere. See {Collide}.] 1. The act of striking together; a striking together, as of two hard bodies; a violent meeting, as of railroad trains; a clashing. [1913 Webster] 2. A state of opposition; antagonism;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
collision — COLLISION. s. f. Terme didactique. Le choe de deux corps. Les Philosophes expliquent plusieurs effets par la collision des corps … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
collision — COLLISION. s. f. Le choc de deux corps. Les Philosophes expliquent plusieurs effets par la collision des corps. Il n est bon que dans le dogmatique … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Collision — [engl.], Kollision … Universal-Lexikon
collision — *impact, impingement, clash, shock, concussion, percussion, jar, jolt Analogous words: striking, hitting (see STRIKE vb): wrecking or wreck, ruining or ruin, dilapidation (see corresponding verbs at RUIN): demolishment, destruction (see… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
collision — [n] accident blow, bump, butt, concussion, contact, crash, demolishment, destruction, dilapidation, encounter, fender bender*, headon*, hit, impact, jar, jolt, knock, percussion, pileup*, rap, ruin, shock, sideswipe, slam, smash, strike, thud,… … New thesaurus