
cognizance mid-14c., from Anglo-Fr. conysance "recognition," later, "knowledge," from O.Fr. conoissance "acquaintance, recognition; knowledge, wisdom" (Mod.Fr. connaissance), from pp. of conoistre "to know," from L. cognoscere "to get to know, recognize," from com- "together" (see CO- (Cf. co-)) + gnoscere "to know" (see NOTICE (Cf. notice)). The -g- was restored in English spelling 15c. and has gradually affected the pronunciation, which was always "con-." The old pronunciation lingered longest in legal use.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Cognizance — Cog ni*zance (? or ?; 277), n. [OF. conissance, conoissance, F. connaissance, LL. cognoscentia, fr. L. cognoscere to know. See {Cognition}, and cf. {Cognoscence}, {Connoisseur}.] 1. Apprehension by the understanding; perception; observation.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cognizance — cog·ni·zance / käg nə zəns/ n [Old French connoissance right to acknowledge and adjudicate issues, literally, knowledge, acquaintance, from connoistre to be acquainted with]: jurisdiction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Cognizance — may refer to: Cognizance, a heraldic badge, emblem or device formerly worn by retainers of a royal or noble house Cognizance, the action of taking judicial notice Cognizance (festival), the annual technical festival of Indian Institute of… …   Wikipedia

  • cognizance — (also cognisance) ► NOUN formal ▪ knowledge or awareness. ● take cognizance of Cf. ↑take cognizance of DERIVATIVES cognizant adjective cognize (also cognise) verb …   English terms dictionary

  • cognizance — [käg′nə zəns; ] occas. [ kän′əzəns] n. [ME cognisaunce < OFr conoissance, knowledge < conoissant, prp. of conoistre, to know < L cognoscere: see COGNITION] 1. perception or knowledge; esp., the range of knowledge possible through… …   English World dictionary

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  • cognizance — / cognition [n] understanding acknowledgment, apprehension, attention, awareness, comprehension, discernment, insight, intelligence, knowledge, mind, need, note, notice, observance, observation, perception, percipience, reasoning, recognition,… …   New thesaurus

  • cognizance — [[t]kɒ̱gnɪz(ə)ns[/t]] (in BRIT, also use cognisance) 1) PHRASE: V inflects If you take cognizance of something, you take notice of it or acknowledge it. [FORMAL] The government has in the past not taken cognisance of any protest unless there has… …   English dictionary

  • cognizance — /ko(g)nazans/ Jurisdiction, or the exercise of jurisdiction, or power to try and determine causes; judicial examination of a matter, or power and authority to make it. Judicial notice or knowledge; the judicial hearing of a cause; acknowledgment; …   Black's law dictionary

  • cognizance — /ko(g)nazans/ Jurisdiction, or the exercise of jurisdiction, or power to try and determine causes; judicial examination of a matter, or power and authority to make it. Judicial notice or knowledge; the judicial hearing of a cause; acknowledgment; …   Black's law dictionary

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