
{{11}}cobbler (1) late 13c., cobelere "one who mends shoes," of uncertain origin. It and COBBLE (Cf. cobble) (v.) "evidently go together etymologically" [OED], but the historical record presents some difficulties. "The cobbler should stick to his last" (ne sutor ultra crepidam) is from the anecdote of Greek painter Apelles.
On one occasion a cobbler noticed a fault in the painting of a shoe, and remarking upon it to a person standing by, passed on. As soon as the man was out of sight Apelles came from his hiding-place, examined the painting, found that the cobbler's criticism was just, and at once corrected the error. ... The cobbler came by again and soon discovered that the fault he had pointed out had been remedied; and, emboldened by the success of his criticism, began to express his opinion pretty freely about the painting of the leg! This was too much for the patience of the artist, who rushed from his hiding place and told the cobbler to stick to his shoes. [William Edward Winks, "Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers," London, 1883]
[The quote is variously reported: Pliny ("Natural History" XXXV.x.36) has ne supra crepidam judicaret, while Valerius Maximus (VIII.xiii.3) gives supra plantam ascendere vetuit.]
{{12}}cobbler (2) "deep-dish fruit pie," 1859, Amer.Eng. perhaps related to 14c. cobeler "wooden bowl."

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Cobbler — Cobbler(s) may refer to: A shoemaker who repairs shoes, rather than manufacturing them (see cordwainer for a discussion of the distinction). Cobbler apron, a type of apron that covers both the front and back of the body The Cobbler, a mountain… …   Wikipedia

  • Cobbler — de manzana. El cobbler (‘zapatero’) es un plato tradicional de los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, si bien el significado del término difiere bastante de un país a otro. En los Estados Unidos, suele ser un postre consistente en un relleno de… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • cobbler — ► NOUN 1) a person whose job is mending shoes. 2) chiefly N. Amer. a fruit pie with a rich, cake like crust. 3) (cobblers) Brit. informal nonsense. [ORIGIN: originally in the sense «testicles»: from rhyming slang cobbler s awls «balls».] ● let… …   English terms dictionary

  • Cobbler — Cob bler, n. 1. A mender of shoes. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. A clumsy workman. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. A beverage. See {Sherry cobbler}, under {Sherry}. [1913 Webster] {Cobbler fish} (Zo[ o]l.), a marine fish ({Blepharis crinitus}) of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cobbler — cóbbler s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  CÓBBLER s. n. băutură răcoritoare pe bază de vin şi alte băuturi alcoolice diluate, cu gheaţă şi ornamente de fructe. (< engl. cobbler) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007.… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Cobbler — Cobbler, Getränk aus Wein mit gestoßenem Eis, Zucker und Orangenschalen; am bekanntesten Sherry C …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • cobbler — ☆ cobbler1 [käb′lər ] n. [< ?] 1. an iced drink containing wine, whiskey, or rum, citrus fruit, sugar, etc. 2. a deep dish fruit pie, usually with a thick top crust of biscuit dough cobbler2 [käb′lər] n. [ME cobelere < ?] 1. a person whose… …   English World dictionary

  • cobbler — I. /ˈkɒblə / (say kobluh) noun 1. Obsolescent someone who mends shoes. 2. an iced drink made of wine, fruit, sugar, etc. 3. a fruit pie with a biscuit dough topping, usually made in a deep dish. 4. (plural cobbler or cobblers) a …  

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