
clunky "blocky, ungraceful," by 1968 (when it was the name of a style of women's shoe), from CLUNK (Cf. clunk). Related: Clunkily; clunkiness.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • clunky — [kluŋk′ē] adj. clunkier, clunkiest Slang 1. clumsy or awkward 2. not stylish or attractive 3. making a clunking sound …   English World dictionary

  • clunky — UK [ˈklʌŋkɪ] / US adjective Word forms clunky : adjective clunky comparative clunkier superlative clunkiest informal 1) large, solid, and heavy in a way that is not attractive clunky furniture/shoes 2) not modern or advanced enough to be useful… …   English dictionary

  • clunky — adjective (clunkier; est) Date: 1965 clumsy in style, form, or execution < a clunky thriller > < clunky earrings > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • clunky — /klung kee/, adj., clunkier, clunkiest. Informal. awkwardly heavy or clumsy: clunky metal jewelry; clunky shoes. [1965 70; CLUNK + Y1] * * * …   Universalium

  • Clunky — 1. not running smoothly: a clunky engine ; 2. unsophisticated or unpolished; not smooth: delivering some really clunky lines …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • clunky — Australian Slang 1. not running smoothly: a clunky engine ; 2. unsophisticated or unpolished; not smooth: delivering some really clunky lines …   English dialects glossary

  • clunky — clunk|y [ klʌŋki ] adjective INFORMAL 1. ) large, solid, and heavy in a way that is not attractive: clunky furniture/shoes 2. ) not modern or advanced enough to be useful: clunky software …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • clunky — [[t]klʌ̱ŋki[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe something as clunky, you mean that it is solid, heavy, and rather awkward. ...a clunky piece of architecture …   English dictionary

  • clunky — /ˈklʌŋki/ (say klungkee) adjective (clunkier, clunkiest) Colloquial 1. not running smoothly: a clunky engine. 2. unsophisticated or unpolished: to deliver some clunky lines …  

  • clunky — mod. ponderous and inefficient. □ The whole plan is too clunky. Try to prune it down. □ I got rid of all the clunky stuff. Now it’s lean and mean …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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