
cleanliness early 15c., from CLEANLY (Cf. cleanly) + -NESS (Cf. -ness).
Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness. [John Wesley, Sermon "On Dress," c.1791]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Cleanliness — Clean li*ness (kl[e^]n l[i^]*n[e^]s), n. [From {Cleanly}.] State of being cleanly; neatness of person or dress. [1913 Webster] Cleanliness from head to heel. Swift. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cleanliness — For the Wikipedia guidelines, see Wikipedia:Cleanup. For the animation process, see clean up. Not to be confused with Cleanness. This 1890s ad for Pears Soap promoted cleanliness in the service of imperialism, with the racially charged expression …   Wikipedia

  • cleanliness — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ excessive ▪ personal ▪ His mother gave him a lecture about personal cleanliness. PHRASES ▪ a standard of cleanliness, a state of cleanliness …   Collocations dictionary

  • cleanliness — [[t]kle̱nlɪnəs[/t]] N UNCOUNT Cleanliness is the degree to which people keep themselves and their surroundings clean. Many of Britain s beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness. ...the importance of personal cleanliness …   English dictionary

  • cleanliness — n. personal cleanliness * * * [ klenlɪnɪs] personal cleanliness …   Combinatory dictionary

  • cleanliness — noun /ˈklɛnlinəs/ the property of being cleanly, or habitually clean; good hygiene Cleanliness is next to godliness. (proverb) See Also: cleanup …   Wiktionary

  • cleanliness — Synonyms and related words: asepsis, blamelessness, blotlessness, chastity, clean slate, cleanly habits, cleanness, clear conscience, daintiness, fastidiousness, faultlessness, freshness, guiltlessness, honor, hospital cleanliness, immaculacy,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cleanliness — clean|li|ness [ˈklenlinıs] n [U] [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: cleanly pure, clean (11 21 centuries), from Old English clAnlic, from clAne; CLEAN1] the practice of keeping yourself or the things around you clean ▪ a high standard of cleanliness …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cleanliness — /ˈklɛnlinəs/ (say klenleenuhs) noun the condition or quality of being clean or cleansed; freedom from dirt or filth or anything that contaminates: high standards of cleanliness. {cleanl(y) + i + ness} …  

  • cleanliness — see cleanliness is next to godliness …   Proverbs new dictionary

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