
charisma (n.) "gift of leadership, power of authority," c.1930, from German, used in this sense by Max Weber (1864-1920) in "Wirtschaft u. Gesellschaft" (1922), from Gk. kharisma "favor, divine gift," from kharizesthai "to show favor to," from kharis "grace, beauty, kindness" (Charis was the name of one of the three attendants of Aphrodite) related to khairein "to rejoice at," from PIE root *gher- "to desire, like" (see HORTATORY (Cf. hortatory)). More mundane sense of "personal charm" recorded by 1959.
Earlier, the word had been used in English with a sense of "grace, talent from God" (1875), directly from Latinized Greek; and in the form charism (pl. charismata) it is attested in English from 1640s. Middle English, meanwhile, had karisme "spiritual gift, divine grace" (c.1500).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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