Carpetbagger — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Caricatura donde el KKK amenaza con linchar a los Carpetbaggers, en Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Independent Monitor, 1868 El término carpetbagger nació en los Estados Unidos en el siglo XIX, como una denominación política… … Wikipedia Español
carpetbagger — car‧pet‧bag‧ger [ˈkɑːptˌbægə ǁ ˈkɑːrptˌbægər] noun [countable] informal disapproving 1. FINANCE an investor who puts their money into a life insurance or a building hoping that it will … Financial and business terms
carpetbagger — A carpetbagger is an opportunist without any scruples or ethics, or a politican who wants to represent a place they have no connection with … The small dictionary of idiomes
Carpetbagger — Car pet*bag ger, n. An adventurer; a term of contempt for a Northern man seeking private gain or political advancement in the southern part of the United States after the Civil War (1865). [U. S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
carpetbagger — ● carpetbagger nom masculin (américain carpetbag, sac de voyage) Sobriquet donné par les sudistes aux aventuriers blancs venus dans le Sud, après la guerre de Sécession … Encyclopédie Universelle
Carpetbagger — [ kɑːpɪtbægə, englisch; zu carpetbag »Reisetasche«] der, s/ s, in den USA Bezeichnung für die Ämterjäger und Politiker der Republikanischen Partei, die nach dem Sezessionskrieg aus dem Norden in die besetzten Südstaaten kamen, um sich zu… … Universal-Lexikon
carpetbagger — ► NOUN derogatory, chiefly N. Amer. 1) a politician who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections. 2) an unscrupulous opportunist … English terms dictionary
carpetbagger — ☆ carpetbagger [kär′pətbag΄ər ] n. 1. any of the Northern politicians or adventurers who went South to take advantage of unsettled conditions after the Civil War: contemptuous term with reference to the luggage they used in traveling light 2. any … English World dictionary
Carpetbagger — In United States history, carpetbaggers was the term southerners gave to northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction, between 1865 and 1877. They formed a coalition with freedmen (freed slaves), and scalawags (southern whites who… … Wikipedia
Carpetbagger — Caricature du sénateur Carl Schurz en carpetbagger par Thomas Nast … Wikipédia en Français