care package

care package
care package 1945, originally CARE package, supplies sent out by Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, established 1945 by U.S. private charities to coordinate delivery of aid packages to displaced persons in Europe after World War II and obviously named for the sake of the acronym. Name revised late 1940s to Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, to reflect its expanded mission.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • care package — care ,package noun count AMERICAN 1. ) a present of food, clothes, or other necessary things that you send to people in need 2. ) a present, especially of food, that you send to someone who is away at school or somewhere where they are unable to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • care package — care .package n AmE a package of food, sweets etc that is sent to someone living away from home, especially a student at college …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • CARE Package — The CARE Package was the original unit of aid distributed by the humanitarian organization CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere). Although CARE Package is a registered trademark, [… …   Wikipedia

  • care package — ˈke(ə)r , ˈkeə , ˈka(a)(ə)r , ˈka(a)ə noun Etymology: from CAREnglish package, a charity food parcel sent to needy Europeans after World War II by CAREnglish (Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) : a package of useful or pleasurable… …   Useful english dictionary

  • care package — 1. Also CARE package. a package containing food, clothing, or other items sent as necessities to the needy. 2. a gift of treats to relatives or friends, esp. of items not readily available to them: She sends monthly care packages of homemade… …   Universalium

  • care package — noun Etymology: from CARE package, a charity parcel sent to needy Europeans after World War II Date: 1962 a package of useful or pleasurable items that is sent or given as a gift to another (as a college student) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • care package — noun A package sent from home or from friends or family, containing favorite foods or comfort items. While he was away at university, he looked forward to his mothers monthly care packages of cookies and supplies …   Wiktionary

  • care package — noun (C) AmE a package of food, sweets etc that is sent to someone living away from home, especially a student at college …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • CARE (relief) — CARE is one of the largest international relief and humanitarian organizations in the world, with programs in nearly 70 countries. Worldwide staffing exceeds 12,000, most of whom come from the nation in which they work.CARE (originally… …   Wikipedia

  • CARE (relief agency) — Current CARE Logo CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere) is a broad spectrum secular relief, humanitarian, and development non governmental organization fighting global poverty. It is non political, non sectarian and operates… …   Wikipedia

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