
Capricorn "zodiac sign," late 14c., from L. Capricornus, lit. "horned like a goat," from caper (gen. capri) "goat" + cornu "horn;" a loan-translation of Gk. Aigokheros, the name of the constellation. Extended 1894 to persons born under the sign.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Capricorn — may refer to:*An animal from the ibex family, particularly the Alpine Ibex *The constellation Capricornus, one of the constellations of the zodiac *The astrological sign Capricorn represented by this constellation *The Tropic of Capricorn *… …   Wikipedia

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  • capricorn — CAPRICÓRN s.n. Numele unei constelaţii zodiacale din emisfera australă. ♦ (În sintagma) Tropicul Capricornului = paralelă aflată la 23° 27 27 latitudine sudică. ♦ Unul dintre semnele zodiacului (reprezentat printr un ţap). – Din fr. capricorne,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Capricorn — Cap ri*corn, n. [L. capricornus; caper goat + cornu horn: cf. F. capricorne.] 1. (Astron.) The tenth sign of zodiac, into which the sun enters at the winter solstice, about December 21. See {Tropic}. [1913 Webster] The sun was entered into… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Capricorn — ► NOUN Astrology ▪ the tenth sign of the zodiac (the Goat), which the sun enters at the northern winter solstice (about 21 December). DERIVATIVES Capricornian noun & adjective. ORIGIN Latin capricornus, from caper goat + cornu horn …   English terms dictionary

  • Capricorn — [kap′ri kôrn΄] n. [ME < OFr < L capricornus < caper, goat (see CAPRIOLE) + cornu, HORN] 1. Capricornus 2. the tenth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about Dec. 22: also called the Goat 3. a person born under this sign …   English World dictionary

  • Capricorn — [[t]kæ̱prɪkɔː(r)n[/t]] Capricorns 1) N UNCOUNT Capricorn is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a goat. People who are born approximately between the 22nd of December and the 19th of January come under this sign. 2) N COUNT A… …   English dictionary

  • Capricorn — UK [ˈkæprɪˌkɔː(r)n] / US [ˈkæprɪˌkɔrn] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms Capricorn : singular Capricorn plural Capricorns one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by a goat. A Capricorn is someone born between 22 December and 19… …   English dictionary

  • Capricorn — /ˈkæprəkɔn / (say kapruhkawn) noun 1. Also, Capricornus. the tenth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about 22 December; the Goat. 2. Astronomy → Capricornus. 3. Also, Capricornian. a person born under the sign of Capricorn and (according… …  

  • Capricorn — noun Etymology: Middle English Capricorne, from Latin Capricornus (genitive Capricorni), from caper goat + cornu horn more at horn Date: 14th century 1. a southern zodiacal constellation between Sagittarius and Aqua …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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