- candy-striper
- candy-striper young female volunteer nurse at a hospital, by 1962, so called from the pink-striped design of her uniform.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
candy striper — ☆ candy striper n. [after the candy striped uniform commonly worn] a teenage girl who does volunteer work in a hospital … English World dictionary
candy striper — noun a volunteer worker in a hospital • Hypernyms: ↑volunteer, ↑unpaid worker * * * ˌstrīpə(r) noun Etymology: candy stripe + er (II); from the red and white stripes of her uniform … Useful english dictionary
candy striper — noun a) A volunteer worker in a hospital or hospice. The entire convalescent home came to life as soon as the candy striper Cindy arrived. b) One who cheers others up with their youthful exuberance … Wiktionary
candy-striper — canˈdy striper noun (N Am inf) A female volunteer hospital nurse (from the red and white striped uniform) • • • Main Entry: ↑candy … Useful english dictionary
candy striper — noun Etymology: from the striped uniform worn suggesting the stripes on some sticks of candy Date: 1963 a teenage volunteer worker at a hospital … New Collegiate Dictionary
candy-striper — noun N. Amer. informal a female voluntary nurse in a hospital. Origin so named because of their candy striped uniforms … English new terms dictionary
candy striper — Informal. a person, often a teenager, who works as a volunteer in a hospital. [1960 65; so called from the red and white striped uniform often worn] * * * … Universalium
candy striper — can·dy strip·er kan dē .strī pər n a volunteer nurse s aide … Medical dictionary
candy striper — noun (C) AmE a young person, usually a girl, who does unpaid work as a nurse s helper in a hospital in order to learn about hospital work … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
candy striper — can′dy strip er n. inf a volunteer worker at a hospital, esp. a teenager • Etymology: 1960–65; so called from the red and white striped uniform often worn … From formal English to slang