
bubble-gum 1937, from BUBBLE (Cf. bubble) + GUM (Cf. gum). Figurative of young teenager tastes or culture from the early 1960s.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • bubble-gum — [bœbœlgɔm] n. m. ÉTYM. Av. 1973; mot angl. de to bubble « faire des bulles », et gum « gomme ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Chewing gum qui permet de faire des bulles. 0 De temps en temps il s arrête de mâcher son chewing gum, il entrouvre ses lèvres et il… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bubble Gum — bzw. Bubblegum bezeichnet: Bubblegum, Musikgenre Bubble Gum (Roman), zweiter Roman von Lolita Pille aus dem Jahr 2004 siehe auch: Kaugummi, Babbelgamm Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bubble gum — n [U] a type of ↑chewing gum that you can blow into a bubble …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bubble gum — bubble ,gum noun count or uncount a type of brightly colored CHEWING GUM that you can blow into to form a BUBBLE …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bubble gum — ☆ bubble gum n. 1. a kind of chewing gum for blowing large bubbles 2. a kind of rock music with simple lyrics and melodies that is directed at teenage and younger audiences and variously regarded as insipid, unimaginative, unsophisticated, etc.:… …   Universalium

  • bubble gum — ☆ bubble gum n. 1. a kind of chewing gum for blowing large bubbles 2. a kind of rock music with simple lyrics and melodies that is directed at teenage and younger audiences and variously regarded as insipid, unimaginative, unsophisticated, etc.:… …   English World dictionary

  • Bubble Gum — publié en 2004, est le second roman de Lolita Pille. Elle : Manon D., 21 ans, habite à Terminus, un village perdu de province et travaille comme serveuse dans le bar de son père. Belle, elle désespère de perdre sa jeunesse et rêve de s… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bubble gum — noun a kind of chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑chewing gum, ↑gum * * * noun : a chewing gum that can be blown into large bubbles * * * bubble gum noun A kind of chewing gum that can be blown into large bubbles • …   Useful english dictionary

  • bubble gum — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms bubble gum : singular bubble gum plural bubble gums a type of brightly coloured chewing gum that you can blow into to form a bubble …   English dictionary

  • Bubble-Gum — Bub|ble|gum, (auch:) Bub|ble Gum, [ bʌblgʌm], der u. das; s, s [engl. bubble gum, aus: bubble = Blase u. gum = (Kau)gummi]: Kaugummi …   Universal-Lexikon

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