
brunch 1896, British student slang merger of BREAKFAST (Cf. breakfast) and LUNCH (Cf. lunch).
To be fashionable nowadays we must 'brunch'. Truly an excellent portmanteau word, introduced, by the way, last year, by Mr. Guy Beringer, in the now defunct Hunter's Weekly, and indicating a combined breakfast and lunch. ["Punch," Aug. 1, 1896]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Brunch — or bruncheon is a combination of breakfast and lunch. [,7770,667,00.html foodnetwork] The term is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch(eon). Brunch is often served after a morning event …   Wikipedia

  • Brunch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brunch preparado para servirse El brunch consiste en una comida realizada por la mañana entre el desayuno y el almuerzo. Por su contenido se suele definir como una combinación entre desayuno (breakfast) y almuerzo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • brunch — [ brɶnʃ ] n. m. • v. 1970; mot angl., de br(eakfast) « petit déjeuner » et (l)unch « déjeuner » ♦ Anglic. Repas pris dans la matinée qui sert à la fois de petit déjeuner et de déjeuner. Les brunchs (ou brunches) du dimanche. ● brunch, brunches ou …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Brunch — 〈[ brʌ̣ntʃ] m. od. n.; (e)s, (e)s od. e〉 Frühstück u. Mittagessen zugleich am späten Vormittag [verkürzt <engl. breakfast „Frühstück“ + lunch „Mittagessen“] * * * Brunch [brant̮ʃ, …nʃ], der; [e]s u. , [e]s u. e [engl. brunch, zusgez. aus:… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • brunch — [BRĂNCI] s. n. masa de dimineaţă luată mai târziu, ţinând loc atât de mic dejun cât şi de prânz. (< engl. brunch) Trimis de raduborza, 17.03.2008. Sursa: MDN  brunch (angl.) [pron. branč] s. n., art. brunch ul; pl. brunch uri Trimis de gall,… …   Dicționar Român

  • brunch — sb., en, er, erne, i sms. brunch , fx brunchpandekager; spise brunch …   Dansk ordbog

  • brunch — [brunch] n. [ BR(EAKFAST) + (L)UNCH] a late first meal of the day that takes the place of both breakfast and lunch vi. to eat brunch bruncher n …   English World dictionary

  • Brunch — 〈 [brʌ̣ntʃ] m. od. n.; Gen.: (e)s, Pl.: (e)s od. e〉 Frühstück u. Mittagessen zugleich am späten Vormittag; einen Brunch einnehmen [Etym.: verkürzt <engl. breakfast »Frühstück« + lunch »Mittagessen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • brunch — [ brʌntʃ ] noun count or uncount a meal that combines breakfast and lunch and is usually served in the late morning: a special brunch menu brunette or brunet bru|nette or bru|net [ bru net ] noun count a woman with dark brown hair ─ compare BLOND …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • brunch — runch n. 1. a late breakfast or an early lunch. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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