
broth O.E. broþ, from P.Gmc. *bruthan (Cf. O.H.G. *brod), from verb root *bhreue- "to heat, boil, bubble, liquid in which something has been boiled" (Cf. O.E. breowan "to brew;" see BREW (Cf. brew)). Picked up from Germanic by the Romanic and Celtic languages.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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(in which meat has been macerated)

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  • Broth — Broth, n. [AS. bro[eth]; akin to OHG. brod, brot; cf. Ir. broth, Gael. brot. [root]93. Cf. {Brewis}, {Brew}.] Liquid in which flesh (and sometimes other substances, as barley or rice) has been boiled; thin or simple soup. [1913 Webster] I am sure …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • broth — [brɔθ US bro:θ] n [U and C] [: Old English;] soup with meat, rice, or vegetables ▪ chicken broth →↑Scotch broth …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • broth|el — «BROTH uhl, BROTH ; BRTH , BRTH », noun. a house of prostitution. ╂[Middle English brothel abandoned person < Old English brēothan go to ruin] …   Useful english dictionary

  • broth — brȯth n, pl broths brȯths, brȯthz 1) liquid in which meat or sometimes vegetable food has been cooked 2) a fluid culture medium * * * (broth) 1. a thin soup prepared by boiling meat or vegetables. 2. a liquid culture medium for the cultivation …   Medical dictionary

  • broth — [ brɔθ ] noun uncount 1. ) OLD FASHIONED soup, especially when it is considered to be good for you: beef broth 2. ) a liquid used for giving flavor when cooking …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • broth — [brôth, bräth] n. [ME & OE; akin to OHG brod: for IE base see BREAD] a clear, thin soup made by boiling meat, or sometimes cereals or vegetables, in water …   English World dictionary

  • broth|er — «BRUHTH uhr», noun, plural broth|ers or (Archaic) breth|ren, adjective, verb. –n. 1. a) the son of the same parents. A boy is a brother to the other children of his parents. »He is in a family of four brothers. b) the son only of the same mother… …   Useful english dictionary

  • broth — [n] soup, usually clear borscht, bouillon, bowl, brew, chowder, concoction, consommé, decoction, dishwater*, distillation, elixir, fluid, gumbo, hodge podge*, olio, porridge, potage, potpourri, pottage, puree, splash, stock, vichyssoise; concepts …   New thesaurus

  • broth — ► NOUN 1) soup consisting of meat or vegetable chunks cooked in stock. 2) a liquid nutrient medium for the culture of bacteria. ORIGIN Old English, related to BREW(Cf. ↑brewer) …   English terms dictionary

  • -broth — noun (Scot) ▪ Strong ale ▪ Whisky ● barley …   Useful english dictionary

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