
boor (n.) 13c., from O.Fr. bovier "herdsman," from L. bovis, gen. of bos "cow, ox." Re-introduced 16c. from Du. boer, from M.Du. gheboer "fellow dweller," from P.Gmc. *buram "dweller," especially "farmer," from PIE *bhu-, from root *bheue- (see BE (Cf. be)). Original meaning was "peasant farmer" (Cf. Ger. Bauer, Du. boer, Dan. bonde), and in English it was at first applied to agricultural laborers in or from other lands, as opposed to the native yeoman; negative connotation first attested 1560s (in boorish), from notion of clownish rustics. Related: Boorishness.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Boor — (b[=oo]r), n. [D. boer farmer, boor; akin to AS. geb[=u]r countryman, G. bauer; fr. the root of AS. b[=u]an to inhabit, and akin to E. bower, be. Cf. {Neighbor}, {Boer}, and {Big} to build.] 1. A husbandman; a peasant; a rustic; esp. a clownish… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • boor — [boor] n. [Du boer < MDu gheboer, fellow dweller < ghe , with, CO + bouwen, to build, cultivate; akin to Ger bauer: see BONDAGE] 1. Archaic a peasant or farm worker 2. a rude, awkward, or ill mannered person …   English World dictionary

  • boor — /boor/, n. 1. a churlish, rude, or unmannerly person. 2. a country bumpkin; rustic; yokel. 3. peasant. 4. Boer. [1545 55; < D boer or LG bur (c. G Bauer farmer), deriv. of Gmc *bu to dwell, build, cultivate; see ER1; cf. BOND2] Syn. 1 …   Universalium

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  • boor — [ bur ] noun count someone who behaves in a rude way and ignores other people s feelings …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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