
big (adj.) c.1300, northern England dialect, "powerful, strong," of obscure origin, possibly from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Norwegian dial. bugge "great man"). Old English used micel in many of the same senses. Meaning "of great size" is late 14c.; that of "grown up" is attested from 1550s. Sense of "important" is from 1570s. Meaning "generous" is U.S. colloquial by 1913. Big band as a musical style is from 1926. Slang big head "conceit" is first recorded 1850. Big business "large commercial firms collectively" is 1905; big house "penitentiary" is U.S. underworld slang first attested 1915 (in London, "a workhouse," 1851). In financial journalism, big ticket items so called from 1956. Big lie is from Hitler's grosse Lüge.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • big — /bIg/ adjective comparative bigger superlative biggest 1 SIZE of more than average size, amount, weight etc: a big house | Your baby s getting big! | a big increase in prices | the biggest hotel in New York | She had a big grin on her face. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • big — [ bıg ] adjective *** 1. ) large in size: a beautiful woman with big eyes He kept all his secret papers in a big box. great big (=very big): At the end of the lane was a great big house. a ) a big person is tall and heavy, and often fat: A big… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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  • Big L. —  Pour la radio pirate britannique, voir Radio London. Big L Nom Lamont Coleman Naissance 30 mai 1974 Harlem, New York …   Wikipédia en Français

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