
barbiturate 1928, from German, coined 1863 by chemist Adolf von Baeyer (1835-1917) from Barbitursäure "barbituric acid," coined by Baeyer, perhaps from woman's name BARBARA (Cf. Barbara), or perhaps from L. barbata, in M.L. usnea barbata, lit. "bearded moss." Second element is because it was obtained from URIC (Cf. uric) acid. With chemical ending -ATE (Cf. -ate) (3).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Barbiturate — sind Derivate der Barbitursäure, allerdings keine Salze oder Ester, wie der Name suggeriert. Die meist aliphatischen Substituenten sind gewöhnlich am C5 der Barbitursäure zu finden. Barbitursäure wurde erstmals 1864 von Adolf von Baeyer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • barbiturate — index narcotic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • barbiturate — [baʀbityʀat] n. m. ÉTYM. 1898, Larousse; de barbitur(ique), et ate. ❖ ♦ Chim., pharm. Sel ou ester de l acide barbiturique. || Usage thérapeutique des barbiturates. ⇒ Barbiturique. || Intoxication par les barbiturates …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Barbiturate — Barbiturate,   Singular Barbiturat das, s, die (therapeutisch verwendeten) Abwandlungsprodukte der Barbitursäure …   Universal-Lexikon

  • barbiturate — ► NOUN ▪ any of a class of sedative drugs related to a synthetic compound (barbituric acid) derived from uric acid. ORIGIN from barbituric acid, from German Barbitursäure, from the name Barbara + Ursäure uric acid …   English terms dictionary

  • barbiturate — [bär bich′ər it, bär bich′ə rāt΄; bär΄bə tyoor′it, bär΄bətoor′it, bär΄bə tyo͞or′āt΄ bär΄bə toor′āt΄; ] often [, bär΄bich′ə wit] n. [ BARBITURIC ACID + ATE2] any depressant drug, as phenobarbital, derived from barbituric acid and used as a… …   English World dictionary

  • Barbiturate — Barbiturates are drugs that act as central nervous system depressants, and by virtue of this they produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation to anesthesia. They are also effective as anxiolytics, hypnotics and as anticonvulsants. They …   Wikipedia

  • barbiturate — /bahr bich euhr it, euh rayt ; bahr bi toor it, ayt, tyoor /, n. Pharm. any of a group of barbituric acid derivatives, used in medicine as sedatives and hypnotics. [1925 30; BARBITUR(IC) + ATE2] * * * Any of a class of heterocyclic compounds… …   Universalium

  • barbiturate — UK [bɑː(r)ˈbɪtʃʊrət] / US [bɑrˈbɪtʃərət] noun [countable] Word forms barbiturate : singular barbiturate plural barbiturates medical a strong drug that doctors give to people to make them calm or help them sleep …   English dictionary

  • barbiturate — A derivative of barbituric acid, including phenobarbital and others, that act as CNS depressants and are used for their tranquilizing, hypnotic, and anti seizure effects; most barbiturates have the potential for abuse. * * * bar·bi·tu·rate bär… …   Medical dictionary

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