
atrium 1570s, from L. atrium "central court or main room of an ancient Roman house, room which contains the hearth," sometimes said (on authority of Varro, "De Lingua Latina") to be an Etruscan word, but perhaps from PIE *ater- "fire," on notion of "place where smoke from the hearth escapes" (through a hole in the roof). Anatomical sense of "either of the upper cavities of the heart" first recorded 1870. Meaning "skylit central court in a public building" first attested 1967. Related: Atrial.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • atrium — [ atrijɔm ] n. m. • 1547; mot lat. 1 ♦ Antiq. Cour intérieure de la maison romaine, généralement entourée d un portique couvert. L atrium avec son bassin central (⇒ impluvium) . 2 ♦ Anat. Cavité (d un organe). Les atriums du cœur. ● atrium nom… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Atrium — • An open place or court before a church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Atrium     Atrium     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Atrium — A tri*um, n.; pl. {Atria}. [L., the fore court of a Roman house.] 1. (Arch.) (a) A square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels. (b) An open court with a porch or gallery around three or more sides; especially at… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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