
{{11}}art (adj.) "produced with conscious artistry," as opposed to popular or folk, 1890, from ART (Cf. art) (n.), possibly from influence of Ger. kunstlied "art song" (Cf. art film, 1960; art rock, 1968).
{{12}}art (n.) early 13c., "skill as a result of learning or practice," from O.Fr. art (10c.), from L. artem (nom. ars) "work of art; practical skill; a business, craft," from PIE *ar-ti- (Cf. Skt. rtih "manner, mode;" Gk. arti "just," artios "complete, suitable," artizein "to prepare;" L. artus "joint;" Armenian arnam "make;" Ger. art "manner, mode"), from root *ar- "fit together, join" (see ARM (Cf. arm) (1)).
In Middle English usually with a sense of "skill in scholarship and learning" (c.1300), especially in the seven sciences, or liberal arts. This sense remains in Bachelor of Arts, etc. Meaning "human workmanship" (as opposed to nature) is from late 14c. Sense of "cunning and trickery" first attested c.1600. Meaning "skill in creative arts" is first recorded 1610s; especially of painting, sculpture, etc., from 1660s. Broader sense of the word remains in ARTLESS (Cf. artless).
Fine arts, "those which appeal to the mind and the imagination" first recorded 1767. Expression art for art's sake (1824) translates Fr. l'art pour l'art. First record of art critic is from 1847. Arts and crafts "decorative design and handcraft" first attested in the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, founded in London, 1888.
Supreme art is a traditional statement of certain heroic and religious truths, passed on from age to age, modified by individual genius, but never abandoned. The revolt of individualism came because the tradition had become degraded, or rather because a spurious copy had been accepted in its stead. [William Butler Yeats]
{{12}}art (v.) second person present indicative of BE (Cf. be); O.E. eart. Also see ARE (Cf. are) (v.).

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  • art — art …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • art — [ ar ] n. m. • Xe, d ab. « science, savoir », puis « moyen, méthode »; lat. ars, artis; souv. fém. jusqu au XVIe I ♦ Ensemble de moyens, de procédés réglés qui tendent à une fin. 1 ♦ (1160) Vx Moyen d obtenir un résultat (par l effet d aptitudes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • art — 1. (ar ; le t ne se lie pas : l art oratoire, dites : ar oratoire, et non l ar t oratoire ; au pluriel l s ne se lie pas, les arts et les sciences, dites : les ar et les sciences ; cependant cette liaison plaît à quelques uns, qui disent : les ar …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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