
ardent (adj.) early 14c., of alcoholic distillates, brandy (ardent spirits), etc., from O.Fr. ardant (13c.) "burning, hot; zealous," from L. ardentem (nom. ardens) "glowing, fiery, hot, ablaze," also used figuratively of passions, prp. of ardere "to burn," from PIE root *as- "to burn, glow" from PIE root *as- "to burn, glow" (Cf. O.E. æsce "ashes;" see ASH (Cf. ash) (1)).
Ardent spirits (late 15c.) so called because they are inflammable, but the term now, if used at all, probably is felt in the figurative sense. The figurative sense (of "burning with" passions, desire, etc.) is from late 14c.; literal sense of "burning, parching" (c.1400) remains rare. Related: Ardently.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • ardent — ardent, ente [ ardɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • fin Xe; lat. ardens 1 ♦ Qui est en feu, en combustion; qui brûle. Charbons, tisons ardents. ⇒ embrasé, enflammé, incandescent; 1. braise, brasier, fournaise. Bûcher ardent. « L ardent foyer jetait des clartés… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • ardent — Ardent, [ard]ente. ad. v. Qui est en feu, qui est allumé, enflammé. Fournaise ardente. brasier ardent. fer ardent. lampe ardente. torche ardente. flambeaux ardents. Chappelle ardente. C est dans une pompe funebre le luminaire qui brusle au tour… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Ardent — Ar dent, a. [OE. ardaunt, F. ardant, p. pr. of arder to burn, fr. L. ardere.] 1. Hot or burning; causing a sensation of burning; fiery; as, ardent spirits, that is, distilled liquors; an ardent fever. [1913 Webster] 2. Having the appearance or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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