Appendix — Appendix, from the Latin word of the same name, may refer to an Index / Bibliography. * In book design , an appendix is a reference section at the end of a book (see Addendum#Books) * In anatomy, a section at the end of an organ; in particular… … Wikipedia
Appendix — Appendix, Plural: Appendizes, Appendices oder Appendixe ist das lateinische Wort für „Anhang“. Während es im lateinischen feminin ist (die Appendix), wird es im Deutschen oft als maskulin (der Appendix) angesehen. Verschiedene Wissenschaften… … Deutsch Wikipedia
appendix — ap‧pen‧dix [əˈpendɪks] noun appendixes PLURALFORM or appendices PLURALFORM [ dɪsiːz] [countable] a part at the end of a book, document, or report, containing additional or useful information: • Further details of the 60 films used in this study… … Financial and business terms
Appendix — Ap*pen dix, n.; pl. E. {Appendixes}, L. {Appendices}. [L. appendix, dicis, fr. appendere. See {Append}.] 1. Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant. [1913 Webster] Normandy became an appendix to England. Sir M. Hale.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
appendix — I (accession) noun accessory, additament, adiungere, annexation, appendage, attachment, complement, extension, inclusion, insertion, pendant II (supplement) noun accessio, addendum, addere … Law dictionary
appendix — appendix, addendum, supplement designate additional matter subjoined to a book. Appendix is used of appended material which contributes (as by way of illustration, amplification, or citation of documents) to the effectiveness of a treatment that… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
appendix — [ə pen′diks] n. pl. appendixes or appendices [ə pen′də sēz΄] [L, appendage < appendere, APPEND] 1. additional or supplementary material at the end of a book or other writing 2. Anat. an outgrowth of an organ; esp., the VERMIFORM APPENDIX: see… … English World dictionary
Appendix — (lat.), 1) Anhang, s.d. bes. 1) u. 2); 2) (Appendicula, Anat.), kleinere End od. Seitenstücke größerer Theile; 3) so v.w. Fortsatz; so A. vermicularis od. vermiformis intestīni coei, so v.w. Wurmfortsatz des Blinddarms, nur dem Menschen u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Appéndix — Appéndix, die (lat.), Anhang oder Zusatz zu einem Buch etc.; der Wurmfortsatz des Blinddarms; Appendicula, Anhängsel; appendizieren, als Anhang nachträglich beifügen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Appendix — Appendix, der Füllansatz des Luftballons, s. Ballon … Lexikon der gesamten Technik