Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome
Asperger's Syndrome 1981, in reference to Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906-1980), who described it in 1944 (and called it autistic psychopathy; Ger. autistischen psychopathen). A standard diagnosis since 1992; recognition of Asperger's work was delayed, perhaps, because his school and much of his early research was destroyed by Allied bombing in 1944.
The example of autism shows particularly well how even abnormal personalities can be capable of development and adjustment. Possibilities of social integration which one would never have dremt of may arise in the course of development. [Hans Asperger, "Autistic psychopathy in Childhood," 1944]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Asperger's syndrome — noun a psychiatric disorder usually noted during early school years; characterized by impaired social relations and by repetitive patterns of behavior • Hypernyms: ↑mental disorder, ↑mental disturbance, ↑disturbance, ↑psychological disorder,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — As·per·ger s syndrome äs .pər gərz also As·per·ger syndrome gər n a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social and occupational skills, by normal language and cognitive development, and by restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped… …   Medical dictionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — /ˈæspɜgəz sɪndroʊm/ (say asperguhz sindrohm), /ˈæspɜdʒəz/ (say asperjuhz), /æsˈpɜgəz/ (say as perguhz), /æsˈpɜdʒəz/ (say as perjuhz) noun a form of autism characterised by a tendency to social isolation and eccentric behaviour with some… …  

  • Asperger's syndrome — n. (Psychiatry) Asperger syndrome, moderate autistic disorder which is observed mainly during the early school years (characterized by by severe impairment of social interactions, meticulousness in speech and preoccupation with very limited… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — noun Etymology: Hans Asperger died 1980 Austrian pediatrician Date: 1989 a developmental disorder resembling autism that is characterized by impaired social interaction, by restricted and repetitive behaviors and activities, and by normal… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — [ aspə:dʒəz] noun Psychiatry a mild autistic disorder characterized by awkwardness in social interaction, pedantry in speech, and preoccupation with very narrow interests. Origin 1940s: named after the Austrian psychiatrist Hans Asperger …   English new terms dictionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — a condition, often considered to be a mild form of autism, characterized by social aloofness, lack of interest in other people, stilted and pedantic styles of speech, and an excessive preoccupation with a very specialized interest (such as… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — noun /ˈæs.pɜː.dʒɜz ˈsɪn.dɹəʊm,ˈæsˌp˭ɹ̩ɡɹ̩z ˈsɪndɹoʊm/ a) An autism related developmental disorder characterised by sustained impairment in social interaction and nonverbal communication and by restricted, repetitive, pedantic and stereotyped… …   Wiktionary

  • Asperger's syndrome — UK [ˈæspɜː(r)dʒə(r)z ˌsɪndrəʊm] / US [ˈæspɜrdʒərz ˌsɪndroʊm] noun [uncountable] medical a mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to react to and communicate with other people. It is similar to autism but less severe …   English dictionary

  • Asperger — Syndrome d Asperger Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hans Asperger. Le syndrome d Asperger (nom d origine autrichienne prononcé /ˈasˌpɜrgər/) est un trouble du développement du spectre auti …   Wikipédia en Français

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