
anatomy (n.) late 14c., "study of the structure of living beings;" c.1400, "anatomical structures," from O.Fr. anatomie, from L.L. anatomia, from Gk. anatomia, from anatome "dissection," from ana- "up" (see ANA- (Cf. ana-)) + temnein "to cut" (see TOME (Cf. tome)). "Dissection" (1540s), "mummy" (1580s), and "skeleton" (1590s) were primary senses of this word in Shakespeare's day; meaning "the science of the structure of organized bodies" predominated from 17c. Often mistakenly divided as an atomy or a natomy.
The scyence of the Nathomy is nedefull and necessarye to the Cyrurgyen [1541]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • ANATOMY — ANATOMY. There is no systematic account of the anatomy of the human body in the Bible, although abundant use is made there of anatomical facts, metaphors, and expressions. Biblical anatomy is factual, empirical in the good sense of the word, and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Anatomy — A*nat o*my, n.; pl. {Anatomies}. [F. anatomie, L. anatomia, Gr. ? dissection, fr. ? to cut up; ? + ? to cut.] 1. The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • anatomy — ► NOUN (pl. anatomies) 1) the scientific study of bodily structure. 2) the bodily structure of a person, animal, or plant. 3) a detailed examination or analysis. DERIVATIVES anatomical adjective anatomically adverb anatomist noun …   English terms dictionary

  • anatomy — [ə nat′ə mē] n. pl. anatomies [ME & OFr anatomie < LL anatomia < Gr anatomia, anatomē, a cutting up < anatemnein < ana , up + temnein, to cut: see TOMY] 1. the dissecting of an animal or plant in order to determine the position,… …   English World dictionary

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