
ammonia (n.) 1799, Modern Latin, coined 1782 by Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman (1735-1784) for gas obtained from sal ammoniac, salt deposits containing ammonium chloride found near temple of Jupiter Ammon (from Egyptian God Amun) in Libya, from Gk. ammoniakos "belonging to Ammon." The shrine was ancient already in Augustus' day, and the salts were prepared "from the sands where the camels waited while their masters prayed for good omens" [Shipley]. There also was a gum form of sal ammoniac, from a wild plant that grew near the shrine, and across North Africa and Asia. A less likely theory traces the name to Gk. Armeniakon "Armenian," since the substance also was found in Armenia. Also known as spirit of hartshorn and volatile or animal alkali.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • ammonia — [ə mōn′yə; ] occas. [, əmō′nē ə] n. [< (SAL) AMMONIAC] 1. a colorless, pungent gas, NH3: its compounds are used as fertilizers, in medicine, etc. 2. a 10% water solution of this gas: in full ammonia water …   English World dictionary

  • Ammonia — Am*mo ni*a, n. [From sal ammoniac, which was first obtaining near the temple of Jupiter Ammon, by burning camel s dung. See {Ammoniac}.] (Chem.) A gaseous compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, {NH3}, with a pungent smell and taste: often called… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • ammonia — [n] pungent gas, liquid alkali, salts, spirits, vapor; concept 472 …   New thesaurus

  • ammonia — ► NOUN ▪ a colourless, intensely pungent gas, forming a strongly alkaline solution in water which is used as a cleaning fluid. DERIVATIVES ammoniacal adjective. ORIGIN from SAL AMMONIAC(Cf. ↑sal ammoniac) …   English terms dictionary

  • Ammonia — For other uses, see Ammonia (disambiguation). Ammonia …   Wikipedia

  • ammonia — /euh mohn yeuh, euh moh nee euh/, n. Chem. 1. a colorless, pungent, suffocating, highly water soluble, gaseous compound, NH3, usually produced by the direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gases: used chiefly for refrigeration and in the… …   Universalium

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