Arbor Day — n. a tree planting day observed individually by the states of the U.S., usually in spring … English World dictionary
Arbor-day — (engl., spr. ārber dē, »Baum[pflanz]tag«), durch die Bemühungen von Morton zuerst in Nebraska, dann in den meisten Staaten der Union eingeführter Volks , bez. Schulfesttag, der durch Anpflanzung von Bäumchen durch Schulkinder begangen wird. In… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Arbor Day — [ ɑːbə deɪ, englisch »Tag des Baumes«], Schul und Volksfeiertag in den USA, der (1872 zuerst in Nebraska) im Frühjahr mit dem Anpflanzen von Bäumen begangen wird … Universal-Lexikon
Arbor Day — Arbor ,Day noun count or uncount a U.S. public holiday on which people plant trees, celebrated at the end of April … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Arbor Day — For other uses, see Arbor Day (disambiguation). Arbor Day Volunteers planting a tree for Arbor Day. Observed by United States and other countries. Typ … Wikipedia
Arbor Day — a day, varying in date but always in the spring, observed in certain states of the U.S. by the planting of trees. [1870 75, Amer.] * * * ▪ holiday holiday observed in many countries by planting trees (tree). It was first proposed in the… … Universalium
Arbor Day — Until 1995, a large black poplar tree standing in the centre of the village of Aston on Clun in Shropshire was permanently decorated with flags suspended from its branches. In that year the old tree died, and since a young one grown from its… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Arbor Day — arboraceous arboraceous adj. 1. 1 abounding in trees. an arboraceous landscape Syn: arboreous, woodsy, woody. [WordNet 1.5] {Arbor Day}, a day appointed for planting trees and shrubs. [U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arbor Day — Ar|bor Day an unofficial US holiday when people plant trees. Arbor Day is celebrated on different days in different states … Dictionary of contemporary English
Arbor-day — Der internationale Tag des Baumes geht auf Aktivitäten des amerikanischen Journalisten Julius Sterling Morton zurück, der 1872 einen „Arbor Day Resolution“ Antrag an die Regierung von Nebraska stellte, der binnen 20 Jahren in den ganzen USA… … Deutsch Wikipedia