
ahoy 1751, from a + hoy, a nautical call used in hauling. The original form of the greeting seems to have been ho, the ship ahoy!

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Ahoy — Ahoy, Ahoi or ahoj can refer to: * the well known sailor s interjection, currently meaning hello and/or what s going on? [citation|contribution=ahoy|url=http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50004810|title=OED… …   Wikipedia

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  • ahoy — [ə hoi′] interj. [ A(H) + HOY2] Naut. used to hail a ship [ship ahoy!] …   English World dictionary

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  • ahoy — [[t]əhɔ͟ɪ[/t]] EXCLAM Ahoy is something that people in boats shout in order to attract attention. Ahoy there!... Ship ahoy! …   English dictionary

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