aged — aged; ap·pend·aged; dis·cour·aged·ly; fo·li·aged; man·aged; teen·aged; vis·aged; lever·aged; mid·dle·aged·ness; … English syllables
Aged — A ged ([=a] j[e^]d), a. 1. Old; having lived long; having lived almost to or beyond the usual time allotted to that species of being; as, an aged man; an aged oak. [1913 Webster] 2. Belonging to old age. Aged cramps. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. ([=a] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aged — aged, old, elderly, superannuated when applied to persons mean far advanced in years. Aged implies extreme old age with signs of feebleness or, sometimes, senility {the aged creature came, shuffling along with ivory headed wand Keats} Old… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
aged — is pronounced as one syllable in (e.g.) The house has aged well, and as two syllables in (e.g.) an aged man … Modern English usage
aged — [ā′jid; ] for 3 & 4 [ ājd] adj. 1. old; grown old 2. characteristic of old age 3. brought to a desired state of aging 4. of the age of [a boy, aged ten years] the aged [ā′jid] old people … English World dictionary
AGED — est un sigle qui signifie Allocation de Garde d Enfant à Domicile. C est une ancienne prestation versée par les Caisses d allocations familiales qui a été remplacée par le Complément de libre choix du Mode de Garde (CMG) de la PAJE à partir du… … Wikipédia en Français
Aged — (engl., spr. edsch d), s. Alt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
aged — index elderly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
aged — [adj] old age old, ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, been around*, creaky*, elderly, getting on*, gray, moth eaten*, oldie*, over the hill*, passé*, rusty*, senescent, senior citizen, shot*, timeworn, venerable, worn, worse for wear*;… … New thesaurus
aged — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of a specified age. 2) old. 3) having been subjected to ageing … English terms dictionary