
afoul (adv.) "entangled," 1809, originally nautical, now mainly in phrase to run afoul of; from A- (Cf. a-) (1) + FOUL (Cf. foul).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • afoul — ☆ afoul [ə foul′ ] adv., adj. in a collision or a tangle run afoul of or fall afoul of 1. to collide with or become entangled with 2. to get into conflict or trouble with …   English World dictionary

  • Afoul — A*foul , adv. & a. [Pref. a + foul.] In collision; entangled. Totten. [1913 Webster] {To run afoul of}, to run against or come into collision with, especially so as to become entangled or to cause injury. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • afoul of — preposition : in or into conflict with : in or into opposition to he fell afoul of the law : in or into collision or entanglement with one ship ran afoul of the other * * * /əˈfaʊləv/ adv fall/run afoul of chiefly US : to get into trouble because …   Useful english dictionary

  • afoul — /euh fowl /, adv., adj. 1. in a state of collision or entanglement: a ship with its shrouds afoul. 2. run or come or fall afoul of, a. to become entangled with: The boat ran afoul of the seaweed. b. to come into conflict with: The business had… …   Universalium

  • afoul — adv. to run afoul of (to run afoul of the law) (also foulII) * * * [ə faʊl] to run afoul of (also foul II; to run afoul of the law) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • afoul of — {prep.} 1. In collision with. * /The boat ran afoul of a buoy./ 2. In or into trouble with. * /The thief ran afoul of the night watchman./ * /Speeders can expect to fall afoul of the law sometimes./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • afoul of — {prep.} 1. In collision with. * /The boat ran afoul of a buoy./ 2. In or into trouble with. * /The thief ran afoul of the night watchman./ * /Speeders can expect to fall afoul of the law sometimes./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • afoul\ of — prep. 1. In collision with. The boat ran afoul of a buoy. 2. In or into trouble with. The thief ran afoul of the night watchman. Speeders can expect to fall afoul of the law sometimes …   Словарь американских идиом

  • afoul — /əˈfaʊl/ (say uh fowl) adjective 1. in a state of collision or entanglement: a ship with its shrouds afoul. –phrase 2. run afoul of, to become involved with to one s disadvantage: run afoul of the law …  

  • afoul — [[t]əfa͟ʊl[/t]] PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n If you run afoul of someone or something, you do something which causes problems with them. [AM] otherwise law abiding citizen who, if left to his own devices, would never have run afoul of the law …   English dictionary

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