
zeno- late 20c. element used in reference to the planet Jupiter, from Gk. zeno-, comb. form from Zeus (see ZEUS (Cf. Zeus); also Cf. ZENOBIA (Cf. Zenobia)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Zeno — is a Greek name derived from the more ancient variant Zenon. The word may refer to any of the following:PeoplePhilosophers* Zeno of Elea (c.490–c.430 BC), philosopher, follower of Parmenides, famed for his paradoxes . * Zeno of Citium (333 BC 264 …   Wikipedia

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  • Zeno — [zē′nō] 1. fl. 5th cent. B.C.; Gr. Eleatic philosopher: also Zeno of Elea [ē′lē ə] (town in Italy) 2. 334? 261? B.C.; Gr. philosopher: founder of Stoicism: also Zeno of Citium [sish′ē əm] (city in Cyprus) …   English World dictionary

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