- yawl
- yawl (n.) type of ship's boat, 1660s, apparently from M.L.G. jolle or Du. jol "a Juteland boat," of unknown origin. Also borrowed into French (yole), Italian (jolo), Russian (yal).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
yawl — yawl … Dictionnaire des rimes
YAWL — (Yet Another Workflow Language) is a workflow language based on the Workflow patterns. The language is supported by a software system that includes an execution engine, a graphical editor and a worklist handler. The system is available as an Open … Wikipedia
Yawl — sous voiles. La position de la barre à roue, située devant le mât d artimon n indique pas forcément la position de l axe de rotation du safran du gouvernail. Le yawl est un voilier à deux mâts dont l artimon (mât arrière) a l emplanture en… … Wikipédia en Français
YAWL — (Yet Another Workflow Language) es un lenguaje de workflow basado en los patrones de Workflow. Este lenguaje está soportado por un sistema de software que incluye un motor de ejecución y un editor gráfico. El lenguaje y su sistema de soporte… … Wikipedia Español
yawl — ● yawl nom masculin (anglais yawl, du néerlandais jol, yole) Voilier muni de deux mâts, le grand mât et le mât de tape cul, ce dernier, de petite taille, se trouvant à l extrême arrière, derrière la mèche du gouvernail. ⇒YAWL, subst. masc. MAR.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Yawl — 〈[ jɔ:l] f.7 od. 10; Mar.〉 (Sport )Segelboot mit einem großen u. einem kleinen, hinter dem Ruder befindlichen Mast [<engl. yawl „Jolle, kleines Segelschiff“] * * * Yawl [jɔːl, englisch] die, / e und s, Segeljacht mit einem großen Mast sowie… … Universal-Lexikon
yawl — s.n. Ambarcaţie de diferite dimensiuni cu pânze sau cu rame, folosită la pescuit şi în sportul nautic. (cuv. engl.) Trimis de tavi, 19.12.2004. Sursa: NODEX yawl s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic YAWL n.… … Dicționar Român
yawl — (y[add]l), n. [D. jol; akin to LG. & Dan. jolle, Sw. julle. Cf. {Jolly boat}.] 1. (Naut.) A small ship s boat, usually rowed by four or six oars. [Written also {yaul}.] [1913 Webster] 2. def>A fore and aft rigged vessel with two masts, a mainmast … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yawl — Yawl, v. i. [OE. [yogh]aulen, [yogh]oulen, gaulen, goulen, Icel. gaula to low, bellow. Cf. {Gowl}.] To cry out like a dog or cat; to howl; to yell. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] There howling Scyllas yawling round about. Fairfax. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yawl — [jo:l] die; , Plur. e u. s <aus gleichbed. engl. yawl, dies wohl aus mittelniederd. jolle od. mittelniederl. jol>: 1. (ohne Plur.) eine Takelungsart von zweimastigen Segelbooten. 2. zweimastiges [Sport]segelboot, dessen hinterer Mast hinter … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Yawl — (engl., spr. Jahl), so v.w. Schaluppe … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon