
wonky "shaky, groggy, unstable," 1919, of unknown origin. Cf. Ger. prefix wankel-, which has a similar sense. Or perhaps from from surviving dialectal words based on O.E. wancol "shaky, tottering" (see WENCH (Cf. wench)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Wonky — es un controvertido término utilizado para describir la tendencia a utilizar sintetizadores inestables de medio rango, marcas de tiempo complejas e inusuales que surgieron antes del verano de 2008 entre diferentes géneros musicales, entre los que …   Wikipedia Español

  • wonky — ► ADJECTIVE (wonkier, wonkiest) informal 1) crooked; askew. 2) unsteady or faulty. DERIVATIVES wonkily adverb wonkiness noun. ORIGIN fanciful formation …   English terms dictionary

  • wonky — [wäŋ′kē] adj. wonkier, wonkiest [prob. < or suggested by dial. words based on OE wancol, shaky, tottering] [Brit. Slang] Brit. Slang 1. shaky, feeble, unreliable, etc. 2. askew, incorrect, etc …   English World dictionary

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  • wonky — [[t]wɒ̱ŋki[/t]] ADJ GRADED If something is wonky, it is not straight or level. [BRIT, INFORMAL] ...a tiny house with lots of little rooms, wonky floors and doors... The wheels keep going wonky …   English dictionary

  • wonky — UK [ˈwɒŋkɪ] / US [ˈwɑŋkɪ] adjective Word forms wonky : adjective wonky comparative wonkier superlative wonkiest British informal not straight, steady, or firmly fixed in position a wonky desk …   English dictionary

  • Wonky — If something is shaky or unstable you might say it is wonky. For example I changed my chair in a restaurant recently because I had a wonky one …   The American's guide to speaking British

  • wonky — [“worjki] mod. studious. (Collegiate.) □ Martin is certainly the wonky type. □ You ought to get a little wonky yourself …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • wonky — won|ky [ˈwɔŋki US ˈwa:ŋki] adj BrE informal unsteady or not straight or level ▪ a wonky table …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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