- wizen
- wizen O.E. wisnian, weosnian "to wither," cognate with O.N. visna, O.H.G. wesanen "to dry up, shrivel, wither;" Ger. verwesen "to decay, rot."
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Wizen — Wiz en, a. Wizened; thin; weazen; withered. [1913 Webster] A little lonely, wizen, strangely clad boy. Dickens. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wizen — Wiz en, v. i. [OE. wisenen, AS. wisnian akin to weornian to decay, OHG. wesan?n to grow dry, G. verwesen to rot, Icel. visna to wither, Sw. vissna, Dan. visne, and probably to L. virus an offensive odor, poison. Cf. {Virus}.] To wither; to dry.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wizen — Wiz en, n. The weasand. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wizen — *wither, shrivel Analogous words: shrink, *contract: dwindle, diminish, reduce, *decrease … New Dictionary of Synonyms
wizen — [wiz′ən] vt., vi. [ME wisenen < OE wisnian, to become dry < IE base * wei , to wither > L viescere, Lith výsti, to wither] to dry up; wither; shrivel adj. WIZENED … English World dictionary
wizen — I. verb (wizened; wizening) Etymology: Middle English wisenen, from Old English wisnian; akin to Old High German wesanēn to wither, Lithuanian vysti Date: before 12th century intransitive verb to become dry, shrunken, and wrinkled often as a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
wizen — 1. adjective /ˈwɪzən/ wizened; withered; lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness. His face was wizen and wrinkled, his faded blue eyes dim and weak looking. He was feeble, and his hands were tremulous with a perpetual nervous motion … Wiktionary
WIZEN, MOSHE AHARON — (1878–1953), Hebrew grammarian. Born in Rozwadow, Galicia, Wizen was reared in a traditional ḥasidic atmosphere, and at the same time acquired proficiency in several languages. He started to teach at the age of 18, and in 1904 he went to… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Wizen-faced — Wiz en faced , a. Having a shriveled, thin, withered face. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wizen-faced — wizˈen faced adjective Having a thin, shrivelled face • • • Main Entry: ↑wizen … Useful english dictionary