- white bread
- white bread c.1300, as opposed to darker whole-grain type; its popularity among middle-class America led to the slang sense of "conventional, bourgeois" (c.1980).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
White bread — is bread made from wheat flour from which the bran and often the germ have been removed, in contrast to whole wheat bread made from whole wheat flour, in which these parts are retained and contribute a brownish color. In addition, this white… … Wikipedia
white-bread — white′ bread adj. usage: This term is used with disparaging intent, implying a contempt for the values of the white middle class. inf: disp. 1) inf off pertaining to or characteristic of the white middle class; bourgeois: white bread… … From formal English to slang
white-bread — adj AmE informal relating to white people who are considered traditional and boring in their opinions and way of life ▪ a white bread family … Dictionary of contemporary English
white-bread — white ,bread adjective AMERICAN INFORMAL ordinary or traditional, used especially to refer to the behavior and values typical of white North Americans: white bread tastes … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
white-bread — If something is white bread, it is very ordinary, safe and boring … The small dictionary of idiomes
white bread — white′ bread′ n. coo any white or light colored bread made from finely ground, usu. bleached, flour • Etymology: 1300–50 … From formal English to slang
white bread — n. bread of a light color, made from finely sifted wheat flour … English World dictionary
white-bread — ☆ white bread [hwitbred΄ ] adj. Informal 1. of or characteristic of the white middle class, its values, etc. 2. bland, conventional, etc … English World dictionary
white bread — /ˈwaɪt brɛd/ (say wuyt bred) noun 1. bread made from bolted flour (opposed to brown bread and black bread). –adjective 2. of or relating to an environment seen as privileged and socially conservative: a white bread playground; a white bread… …
white-bread — American white bread people or things are ordinary and boring, and often those that are typical of white, American people. It s a movie about middle America white bread characters living white bread lives. (always before noun) … New idioms dictionary