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watchdog — watch‧dog [ˈwɒtʆdɒg ǁ ˈwɑːtʆdɒːg, ˈwɒːtʆ ] noun [countable] LAW ORGANIZATIONS an independent organization responsible for making sure that companies in a particular industry or business do not do anything illegal: • France s stock market watchdog … Financial and business terms
watchdog — [wächdôg΄, wôchdôg΄] n. 1. a dog kept to guard property, as by barking 2. a person or group that keeps watch in order to prevent waste, unethical practices, etc. vt. to act as a watchdog over … English World dictionary
Watchdog — Watch dog (w[o^]ch d[o^]g ), n. A dog kept to watch and guard premises or property, and to give notice of the approach of intruders. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
watchdog — ► NOUN 1) a dog kept to guard private property. 2) a person or group that monitors the practices of companies providing a particular service or utility … English terms dictionary
Watchdog — Der Begriff Watchdog (englisch; Wachhund, auch WDC für Watchdog Counter) wird verallgemeinert für eine Komponente eines Systems verwendet, die die Funktion anderer Komponenten überwacht. Wird dabei eine mögliche Fehlfunktion erkannt, so wird… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Watchdog — A watchdog is a dog who provides protection by watching for or guarding against intruders. ;In computing * Watchdog timer, a device in computer systems * Event Log Watchdog, a freeware software program * Watchdog Event Log, created by Windows… … Wikipedia
watchdog — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ consumer ▪ environmental, financial, health (BrE), industry, media (esp. AmE), nuclear, safety ▪ … Collocations dictionary
watchdog — UK [ˈwɒtʃˌdɒɡ] / US [ˈwɑtʃˌdɔɡ] noun [countable] Word forms watchdog : singular watchdog plural watchdogs 1) a person or organization that works to stop people from doing illegal things in a particular area of business or society a… … English dictionary
watchdog — /woch dawg , dog /, n., adj., v., watchdogged, watchdogging. n. 1. a dog kept to guard property. 2. a watchful guardian: a self appointed watchdog of the public morals. adj. 3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a watchdog. 4. organized or… … Universalium
watchdog — watch|dog [ watʃ,dɔg ] noun count 1. ) a person or organization that works to stop people from doing illegal things in a particular area of business or society: a consumer/congressional/government watchdog watchdog agency/body/group: a watchdog… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English