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Wanker — is a pejorative term of English origin, common in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and British influenced territories like South Africa. It initially referred to one who masturbates but has since become a general insult. It is synonymous … Wikipedia
Wanker — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Erich Wanker (* 1965), österreichischer Biotechnologe Ferdinand Geminian Wanker (1758–1824), deutscher Theologe und designierter Erzbischof von Freiburg Michael Wanker (* 1976), deutscher Schauspieler und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wanker — Wanker, Ferd. Geminian, Theologe, geb. 1758 zu Freiburg i. B., Priester 1782, wurde Professor der Moral an der Universität seiner Vaterstadt, vom Klerus alsdann 1824 als der würdigste zum ersten Erzbischof der neu errichteten Erzdiöcese Freiburg… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
wanker — ► NOUN Brit. vulgar slang ▪ a stupid or contemptible person … English terms dictionary
wanker — [waŋ′ker] n. [Vulgar Slang, Chiefly Brit.] Chiefly Brit. Vulgar Slang 1. literally a person who masturbates 2. a person variously regarded as contemptible, ineffectual, etc … English World dictionary
wanker — UK [ˈwæŋkə(r)] / US [ˈwæŋkər] noun [countable] Word forms wanker : singular wanker plural wankers British offensive a stupid or unpleasant person … English dictionary
Wanker — This is a derogatory term used to describe someone who is a bit of a jerk. It actually means someone who masturbates and also has a hand signal that can be done with one hand at people that cannot see you shouting wanker at them. This is… … The American's guide to speaking British
wanker — [[t]wæ̱ŋkə(r)[/t]] wankers N COUNT (disapproval) If someone calls a man a wanker, they do not like him and they think he is very stupid or unpleasant. [BRIT, VERY RUDE] … English dictionary
wanker — • an old English word that is a very common term of abuse. A wanker is an idiot or an unpleasant person. From 19th century Yorkshire dialect meaning idiot … Londonisms dictionary
wanker — The hero of Jake’s Thing, by Kingsley Amis, is subjected to this insult and soon afterwards says to a colleague: ‘Damon, what’s a wanker?’ ‘These days a waster, a shirker, someone who’s fixed himself a soft job or an exalted position by… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address