Voluble — Vol u*ble, a. [L. volubilis, fr. volvere, volutum, to roll, to turn round; akin to Gr. ? to infold, to inwrap, ? to roll, G. welle a wave: cf. F. voluble. Cf. F. {Well} of water, {Convolvulus}, {Devolve}, {Involve}, {Revolt}, {Vault} an arch,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
voluble — I adjective copious, declamatory, discursive, eloquent, effusive, expansive, fluent, garrulous, glib, long winded, loquacious, multiloquent, profuse, rambling, ready tongued, rhetorical, talkative, verbose, wordy II index loquacious Burton s… … Law dictionary
voluble — 1 fluent, glib, eloquent, *vocal, articulate Analogous words: copious, abundant, *plentiful: *easy, facile, effortless, smooth Antonyms: stuttering, stammering 2 glib, garrulous, loquacious, *talkative Antonyms … New Dictionary of Synonyms
voluble — [adj] talkative articulate, bigmouthed*, chattering, chatty*, fluent, full of hot air*, gabby, garrulous, long winded*, loquacious, mouthy*, multiloquent, prolix, rambling, running on*, slick*, smooth*, talky, verbal, windy*, wordy; concept 267 … New thesaurus
voluble — (Del lat. volubĭlis). 1. adj. Que fácilmente se puede volver alrededor. 2. De carácter inconstante. 3. Bot. Dicho de un tallo: Que crece formando espiras alrededor de los objetos … Diccionario de la lengua española
voluble — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently. DERIVATIVES volubility noun volubly adverb. ORIGIN originally in senses «rotating about an axis» and «tending to change»: from Latin volvere to roll … English terms dictionary
voluble — [väl′yə bəl] adj. [Fr < L volubilis, easily turned about < volutus, pp. of volvere, to roll, turn about: see WALK] 1. characterized by a great flow of words; talking much and easily; talkative, glib, etc. 2. Rare rolling easily on an axis;… … English World dictionary
voluble — (Del lat. volubilis.) ► adjetivo 1 Que tiene un carácter inconstante: ■ es una persona voluble en todos sus actos; tiene un carácter muy voluble y le convencen de cualquier cosa. SINÓNIMO inestable variable ANTÓNIMO constante … Enciclopedia Universal
voluble — [[t]vɒ̱ljʊb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you say that someone is voluble, you mean that they talk a lot with great energy and enthusiasm. [FORMAL] She was voluble with excitement... Bert is a voluble, gregarious man. Derived words: volubly… … English dictionary
voluble — adjective formal 1 talking a lot: a voluble spokesman 2 a voluble speech, explanation etc uses a lot of words and is spoken quickly: She broke into voluble and perfect Italian. volubly adverb volubility, noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English