
viscount (n.) late 14c., "deputy of a count or earl," from Anglo-Fr. and O.Fr. visconte, from M.L. vicecomes (gen. vicecomitis), from L.L. vice- "deputy" (see VICE- (Cf. vice-)) + L. comes "member of an imperial court, nobleman" (see COUNT (Cf. count) (n.)). As a rank in British peerage, first recorded 1440, when John, Baron Beaumont, was made one by Henry VI.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Viscount — Vis count , n. [OE. vicounte, OF. visconte, vescunte, F. vicomte, LL. vicecomes; L. vice (see {Vice}, a.) + comes a companion, LL., a count. See {Count}.] 1. (O. Eng. Law) An officer who formerly supplied the place of the count, or earl; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • viscount — is a British nobleman ranking between an earl and a baron. The rank is called a viscountcy …   Modern English usage

  • viscount — ► NOUN ▪ a British nobleman ranking above a baron and below an earl. ORIGIN Latin vicecomes (see VICE (Cf. ↑vice ), COUNT(Cf. ↑countable)) …   English terms dictionary

  • viscount — [vī′kount΄] n. [ME < OFr viscomte < ML vice comes: see VICE & COUNT2] 1. Historical in England, a) a deputy of an earl b) a sheriff 2. a nobleman next below an earl or count and above a baron …   English World dictionary

  • Viscount — A viscount (pron en|ˈvaɪkaʊnt VAI count) is a member of the European nobility whose comital title ranks usually, as in the British peerage, above a baron, below an earl (in Britain) or a count (the earl s continental equivalent).EtymologyThe word …   Wikipedia

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