
Upanishad class of treatises in Skt. literature, 1805, from Skt. upa-nishad, lit. "a sitting down beside," from upa "near to" (see UP (Cf. up)) + ni-shad "to sit or lie down."

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Upanishad — designa a cada uno de los más de 200 libros sagrados hinduistas escritos en idioma sánscrito entre los siglos VII y principios del siglo XX. Este término se escribe उपनिषद् en el abugida (o alfasilabario) devanagari. Contenido 1 Significado,… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Upanishad — [o͞o pan′i shad΄, o͞o pä′nə shäd΄; yo͞opan′i shad΄, yo͞opän′nə shäd΄] n. any of a group of late Vedic metaphysical treatises (Upanishads) dealing with humanity in relation to the universe …   English World dictionary

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  • Upanishad — Upanishadic, adj. /ooh pan i shad , ooh pah ni shahd /, n. Hinduism. any of a class of speculative prose treatises composed between the 8th and 6th centuries B.C. and first written A.D. c1300: they represent a philosophical development beyond the …   Universalium

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