
vector (n.) "quantity having magnitude and direction," 1704, from L. vector "one who carries or conveys, carrier," from pp. stem of vehere "carry, convey" (see VEHICLE (Cf. vehicle)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Vector — may refer to: In mathematics * Euclidean vector, a geometric entity endowed with both length and direction, an element of a Euclidean vector space * Coordinate vector, in linear algebra, an explicit representation of an element of any abstract… …   Wikipedia

  • vector — VECTÓR, vectori, s.m. Mărime matematică sau fizică definită printr o valoare numerică, o unitate de măsură, o direcţie şi un punct de aplicaţie (reprezentată grafic printr un segment de dreaptă orientat). ♢ (Adjectival) Rază vectoare. – Din fr.… …   Dicționar Român

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  • vector — m. microb. Hospedador intermediario que transporta y transmite un microorganismo patógeno productor de enfermedad. Pueden ser mamíferos, artrópodos, etc. También se denomina vehículo. ⊆ genét. Plásmido o cromosoma vírico en cuyo genoma se inserta …   Diccionario médico

  • Vector — Vec tor, n. [L., a bearer, carrier. fr. vehere, vectum, to carry.] 1. Same as {Radius vector}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) A directed quantity, as a straight line, a force, or a velocity. Vectors are said to be equal when their directions are the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vector — steht für in der Informatik ein eindimensionales Array einen Vektorprozessor den Sportwagenhersteller Vector Motors Corporation sowie dessen Fahrzeugmodelle. die Linuxdistribution VectorLinux die Vector Informatik, eine auf Software Tools und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • VECTOR — apud Treb. Pollionem, in Gallienis, c. 12. Quum taurum ingentem in arenam misisset, exîssetque ad eum feriendum vector, neque perductum decies potuisset occidere etc. venator est, sic dictus ex Graeco δ᾿έκτης, quod opuds sit viribus maximis ad… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • vector — (Del lat. vector, ōris, que conduce). 1. m. Agente que transporta algo de un lugar a otro. U. t. c. adj.) 2. Bioquím. Fragmento de ácido desoxirribonucleico que puede unir otro fragmento ajeno y transferirlo al genoma de otros organismos. 3. Fil …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Vector — (Math.), s. Radius vector …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Vector — (Radius vector), »Fahrstrahl«, Leitstrahl; s. Radius und Kegelschnitte; vgl. Vektoranalysis …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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